Organism (from the late Latin organizmo - I construct, I endow orderly fashion; from the Greek organon - instrument) is a living being, possessing a complex of features, which distinguish it from the non-living matter.
The most part of organisms are of cellular texture. Formation of an integral organism is a process, which consists of differentiation of structures (cells, tissues, organs) and functions, and of their integration both in ontogenesis and in phylogenesis.
- According to the level of the required acidity of the medium, they distinguish acidophilous and acidofuge organisms.
- According to the demand of oxygen for vital activity: aerobic and anaerobic organisms.
- According to the capacity to synthesize substances, which are necessary for vital activity: auxotrophic, autotrophic, heterotrophic, and mixotriphic organisms.
- According to the capability to survive in low or high temperature: cryophilic and thermophilic organisms.
- According to association with a man: synanthropic and non-synanthropic organisms.
- According to the number of cells, which constitute organisms: multicellular and monocellular organisms.