Leucocytes are achromatic blood cells. Five types of leucocytes are distinguished.
- Lymphocytes. They participate in antibody synthesis, transforming into plasmacytes. Lymphocytes deliver nutrients to other cells. They are capable of transforming into cells of other types, which are monocytes, macrophages, fibroblasts, etc. Lymphocytes present one of the forms of agranular leucocytes.
- Monocytes are capable of phagocytosis; they are excreted from blood to tissues during inflammatory responses and act as macrophages.
- Basophiles. In their cytoplasm there are structures, which can be coloured by basic (alkalinous)colours. It is a type of granular leucocytes.
- Eosinophils. They can be coloured into red by acid dyes. They participate in allergic responses of organisms.
- Neutrophils (microphages) are capable of phagocytosis of small foreign particles, including bacteria. They can dissolve (lyze) necrotic tissues.
All types of leucocytes have nuclei and all of them are capable of active motion. They devour bacteria and in the organism and produce antibodies. 1 cubic millimetre of human blood contains 4 to 9 thousands of leucocytes.