

The process of gradual transformations of some initial product Xi, which results in formation of a certain product Xo, is called metabolic chain Xi Xo :

Xi X1X2X3 Xo, where Xi is the initial product, X1, X2, X3 are metabolites-intermediates, Xo is the product.

All metabolic fates can be divided into anabolic and catabolic. Metabolic chain, which consists of reactions taking place within one and the same system, is called inner. Metabolic chain, whose reactions proceed in different systems, is called intersystem.

One and the same substance can participate in various transformations. In such cases intercrossing of different metabolic chains takes place. As the result of such intercrossing, the metabolic network of a biological system appears. The metabolic network constitutes partial or complete assembly of metabolic chains of the considered biological object, that is, a cell, an organ, an organism, a biocenosis, etc.